I WOULD like to thank the thousands of people who kicked, threw, coached, encouraged, drove, swum or applauded during August to take part in the Year of the Volunteer's Sports Month.

Nearly six million sports volunteers give 1.2 billion hours per year -- the equivalent of 720,000 full-time paid workers. These volunteers are coaches, umpires, van drivers, orange slicers, event organisers. They may be older people who run football teams for disadvantaged youngsters, or younger people who accompany people with disabilities to the gym.

Throughout Sport Month, Sport England teamed up with CSV, Volunteering England and the Home Office to ensure sporting volunteers were recognised for their effort, skills and enthusiasm.

Sport in this country would be a lot poorer, a lot less fun, and in some cases non-existent without volunteers. And with London 2012 approaching, their spirit will be essential.

So as part of the Year of the Volunteer everyone in sport would like to offer them a heartfelt 'thank you.'

ELISABETH SALTER, CSV's Year of the Volunteer Campaign Manager.