THE FOOTBALL season is once again upon us, which is good for those going to watch. However those living in Lower Darwen will have to endure our small hamlet regularly being turned into a car park, where even the backs of houses get blocked.

Leave before noon and return after 6pm will become the rule to make sure we can get out and back freely.

Our roads, built in the horse and cart era, get used as a bypass by the police, to move traffic off the A666 and M65. So then there is no chance to get in or out.

Soon we will get the added joy of the school run returning.

Can we get road action to help our!

We have asked for, even begged that certain roads be given 20mph status. Greenbank Terrace, Duchess Street, Fore Street, narrow, bendy, roads which need to be crossed by the young and old, are nightmares.

They actually do stop mothers sending children to shops, and elderly visiting friends. (How come the A591 Ambleside gets 20mph without the dreaded humps?)

Mind, if a few get killed then action might happen.

After years of asking, at Access meetings, for a footpath to join up M65 junction 4 to the A666 and being constantly refused, suddenly one has appeared.

Now the disabled can travel on scooters/power chairs without being on unsafe roads or going from Lower Darwen to Darwen via Ewood. Cyclists, people walking, particularly youngsters going to Vale School, can go more safety. Miracles do happen!

GRAHAM A CARTER, Kingsway, Lower Darwen,