Irritations don't make people go mental. People make people go mental.

I am a mild mannered fellow with a respect for all good human beings and all religions and cultures. I can stand in line behind the geezer who buys ten lottery tickets and then asks me why I'm not at Mosque. I don't mind it when the freshy thinks I ain't got no culture.

I will even make an effort to hand over £5 to every chandah collector who frequents my house. But can someone please tell me why the middle-aged bearded fellows in their cars never acknowledge you when you give them way.

Even the 'chicken neck brother' in his Honda Civics flashes his lights and maybe raises his hand in aknowledgement.

He may bang his car in a no parking zone and act as if his Da Da owns the road but he's got manners. The scutters in their transit vans say 'thanks mate' and have the common courtesy to give most people the thumbs up. But oh no...not you Mr 'I'm a man of god with my hat on and a clean white robe'.

You're too high and mighty to even raise an eyebrow.

You don't even look me in the eye or flinch. You drive straight past after I've waited patiently whilst you dropped off six members of your family on a double yellow line.

In fact once, I swear this guy wanted me to thank him. I waited for him as he drove his car slowly up the hill and he did look across. In quite disdain and anger. As if I should say, "Thanks Uncle Gee for crossing my path on this blessed morning and sorry I didn't wait on the other side of the ******* road."

The rule is simple..,'s an unwritten rule. If someone gives you way thank them. They even do it London I've heard. But not here. Oh I forgot a man of god doesn't say thank you does he.

People like me don't deserve to be thanked do we. We're just there to give everyone way. We are heathens. The nobodys, who shouldn't even have been born. And don't get me strated on the women.

And when I say women I mean the ones who are too bothered about you getting the wrong message. The lot of you couldn't give a flying **** if I've been delayed by twenty minutes because you couldn't get your car out through a fifty metre gap. And then at the end of it all I want is a simple 'thanks mate'

But no!! I don't deserve it. It's like, if you put your hand up I'm going to think you fancy me or something and follow you home. Look, I am not invisible I have feelings.

All I want is a simple thank you for giving you way. It's not too much to ask.