I AM concerned that by reopening the debate about the Western link road, Morecambe and Lancaster will lose the chance of getting any sort of link road at all.

It is obvious that without the support of Morecambe MP Geraldine Smith the Northern route is doomed. It's a classic case of 'nimbyism', one that will do lasting economic damage to Morecambe, further isolating the resort from potential long-term regeneration and investment opportunities.

County council solicitors have already advised of the Western route's impracticality and the mystical 'blue-route' was discounted years ago by transport experts.

A Northern link road would be beneficial for the vast majority of Morecambe residents and I am surprised that the local MP fails to seethat. Realistically is the only option for both Lancaster and Morecambe.

Cllr. Alex Stone, Lancaster