SPECIALIST nurses are starting a new clinic helping people stop smoking.

And what better day to launch the new venture than National No Smoking Day, Wednesday, March 13.

Jean Eaton, Lorna McLauchlan and Sandra Dermott are all nurses working for Wigan and Leigh Health Services specialising in asthma or respiratory problems.

On No Smoking Day they will be offering advice and information on how to stop smoking in Boots the Chemist, Bradshawgate, Leigh between 11am-3pm.

This will be followed by the launch of a new Stop Smoking Clinic at College Street Health Centre in Leigh between 6-7.30pm.

The clinic will offer a six session rolling programme looking at why people smoke and how they can break the habit. And it will also provide advice and support in an informal setting.

Asthma Specialist Health Visitor, Jean Eaton says anyone of any age is welcome, and suggests that they bring a friend if it helps.

Jean said: "We know how difficult it is to stop smoking, but with a bit of help and encouragement many smokers are able to stop.

"Smoking affects health in many ways. It increases the risk of cancer, heart and lung diseases and it's a major trigger for asthma.

"It affects our children's health, the health of unborn babies and the health of the community as a whole. It is also a drain on our pockets."

Anyone who wants to find out more should call in to Boots on Wednesday, March 13, or contact Jean or Lorna at College Street Health Centre on 01942 606289.

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