AN inquiry into South Ribble's local plan for the next millennium opened this week at Leyland Motors and Social Club.

Residents and action groups in Leyland, Bamber Bridge and Penwortham turned out to have their say in the shape of South Ribble until 2006.

The Council for the Protection of Rural England was first to put its case forward at the public inquiry which is expected to continue until September.

CPRE's regional chairman John Nairne said the group was unhappy about green-belt areas being planned for development.

He said: "We don't want to see fields turned into roads and disappear under tonnes of concrete."

The public inquiry, led by planning Inspector Rosamund Whittaker, was prompted after hundreds of objections poured in after the first draft of the local plan was sent out in 1992.

The development of Southern Towngate was also targeted in the plan as well as the controversial plans for a rail freight terminal on Wheelton Lane, Leyland.

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