IT'S just too big Mac. The sign advertising Morecambe's new drive-thru McDonalds has got to come down. The sign was put up on a huge pole last week as the take-away restaurant on Morecambe Road in the town opened its doors for the first time. But bosses at the fast food chain were just a bit too hasty this time. The sign didn't have planning permission and now Morecambe's planning chiefs have decided it must be replaced by a smaller version.

A meeting of Lancaster City Council's planning committee this week granted permission for a two metre sign to be placed on top of the pole - that's a metre smaller than the one that's already there.

Torrisholme Cllr Dexter Bracy who backed the decision to change the placard said: "They have got to get the existing sign down very quickly or they will run the serious risk of prosecution and we will be keeping a close eye on them to make sure they do what has been instructed."

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