PEOPLE ask constantly why young people today are so uncontrollable. Let's look at the facts, no jobs, simply no accessible recreational facilities and the probable life on the dole for the foreseeable future.

This is apparent to young people today from a very early age, people whose complete boredom drives them to make their own fun, legal or otherwise.

I personally have spent the 13 years since leaving school attempting to live as society demands. I have taken some lousy jobs and pushed myself to improve my education and I have very little to show for this. I wish I had known this when I left school as most teenagers do now. I would have said stuff it also, and had a good time instead of struggling to find a place in society which has lower moral standards than many of the local youth which it goes out of its way to condemn but will not take positive steps to help.

Thirty Something

(Name and address supplied)

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