IN reply to Mr John Dell, Trust operations manager, regarding hospital parking (LET, September 6), we residents fought hard and long to secure residents' parking in the Infirmary district of Blackburn.

We have had to put up with inconvenience and selfishness for years.

The Infirmary has kept on extending, but no thought has gone into parking. A multi-storey car park should have been built there years ago and would have paid for itself by now.

As for the Trust's suggestion that the residents' parking scheme be lifted during the day, we would like to ask who is going to pay for traffic wardens to come round from 4pm onwards?

What about the hospital staff who start at 1pm and finish at 9pm?

We feel sorry for the staff and visitors and those who attend clinics but please, Mr Dell, because you can't find a solution to the parking problem, don't put the onus back on the residents.

MR AND MRS MATTHEWS, (60 years residents, Infirmary district), Woodbury Avenue, Blackburn.

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