FAMILIES preparing for the festive season are being urged to ensure thieves don't have a happy Christmas - with their cash cards.

Credit, debit and bank cards traditionally take a hammering in the run-up to December 25 as people rely on plastic to see them through the extra expense of the celebrations.

But Christmas is also a bumper time for thieves, as people neglect security during their preparations for the big day.

Burglaries and thefts from vehicles are both on the increase in Lancashire and homes and cars are traditionally the main targets of card thieves.

Plastic card crime cost more than £83 million last year but that figure does not take into account the inconvenience caused by the thefts.

A national Card Watch scheme aimed at reducing thefts is being run by the Association for Payment Clearing Services, which includes the major high street banks and building societies among its members. A five-point guide to help prevent card theft has been produced. The advice is:

Don't tempt an opportunist thief into your home - never leave your handbags or wallet on display and lock them away when you go out.

Make sure your doors and windows are locked every time you go out.

Don't leave cards and other valuables in your car.

Sign any new cards as soon as you get them and remember to cut up old ones when they expire.

Notify banks or building societies immediately if you lose your cards.

Card Watch spokesman Katy Silcock, said: "Surviving without your plastic is bad enough - but often it is the other personal items that also go missing that cause most upset, such as keys, diaries, photographs and address books."

People who want further information about plastic card fraud can call Card Watch on 0990 500005.

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