HENPECKED with a Docker's Hook and Four Thumbs?

No, not the average Bury bloke, but the return of the town's annual beer festival!

The above are just three of the many alcoholic beverages awaiting connoisseurs next Friday and Saturday (Nov 15 and 16) at the Met arts centre.

In its 16th year, the Bury Beer Festival attracts drinkers from far and wide, many hearing of it through Camra, the Campaign for Real Ale.

Organisers Alan Ainsworth and Sue Barker say this year's festival will be bigger and hopefully better than before.

Some 48 different cask ales are on offer, along with nine traditional ciders and a perry, plus the usual range of Continental bottled beers.

"As many of our beers as possible will be served by handpump dispense," says Alan. "This gives the beer better condition and presentation."

Sessions run on Friday from 12 noon to 3pm and again from 5-11pm, while on Saturday opening times are 12 noon to 4pm and 6-11pm.

"Six months planning and concerted effort have gone into organising the festival," said Alan.

"On average we have over two thousand people through the doors over the two nights and sell around 8,000 pints of cask-conditioned beer, 500 pints of cider and 200 bottles of beers."

The strength of the ales ranges from Arkells "2B" at 3.2 per cent up to J.W. Lees' " Moonraker" at 7.5 per cent.

Food, including vegetarian options, is by the Met's catering staff and music - at evening sessions only - once more comes from Bluegrass Revival.

Admission is 50p to either lunchtime session, £2 on Friday night and £1.50 Saturday evening. Camra members enjoy free entry.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.