GOOD environmental management doesn't only help the environment - it also makes good business sense.

Paul Rink, chairman of Groundwork Blackburn and joint chairman of Wolstenholme Rink, said the tens of thousands of pounds saved by many member companies of the Business Environment Association proved the effectiveness of better practice.

Speaking at the Business Environment Association's annual awards night at Ewood Park, he urged local companies to reinvest in their own communities for the benefit of all.

Mr Rink praised the progress of the BEA and said the fact that more than 300 people attended the awards night was evidence of the impact xmade.

"How many would have come if this sort of event had been organised five or six years ago?" he asked. Award winners were:

Energy Conservation - winner, Callender Aeropart; highly commended, B & M Longworth. Environmental Innovation Technology - winner, Tony Knowles Motor Bodies; highly commended, RHP Bearings. Environmental Awareness - winner, British Aerospace; highly commended, Park Products, ICI Acrylics. Environmental Management - winner, Wolstenholme International; highly commended, Avesta Sheffield. Community Environmental Projects - winner, Unaform Ltd; highly commended, North West Water. Waste Minimisation - winner, Glisten Company; highly commended, Neales Waste Management. Employee Participation in Environmental Projects - winner, Philips Components (Simonstone); highly commended, New Waterside Paper Mills.

A special award for first patron member of the Business Environment Association was made to Avesta Sheffield.

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