STUDENTS who have launched their own radio station got off to a flying start with an exclusive showbiz interview.

Pupils at St Mary's College, Blackburn, landed an interview with Robson Green, one half of the pop sensations Robson and Jerome and former star of ITV's Soldier Soldier.

They managed to talk to the celebrity when he was filming a new series for Granada TV.

The college has just launched its own radio station, Overload, which broadcasts for an hour every lunchtime.

Head of media, Sarah Flanagan, said: "We decided to set up our own station in response to the successful growth of our media department.

"It's ideal to give students hands-on experience and we couldn't have wished for a better start.

"Robson Green was interviewed for 20 minutes during his lunch-break on the set and we were very lucky to speak to him."

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