STRESSED out shopworkers and overloaded office staff could have the answer to their prayers thanks to a new service being offered by a pair of Bury therapists.

Local hypnotherapist Richard O'Neill and massage therapist Michael Emerson have joined forces to work magic on the body and mind of stressed out employees.

They have set-up a new service to provide companies and organisations with an on-site stress reduction and management service designed to take the pressure off.

Mr O'Neill said: "The idea for the service was prompted by the increase in clients with stress problems as a result of their work. We thought if we could help people deal with and manage the stress at source it would be much better."

Recent figures show that stress in the workplace results in the loss of 40 million working days each year at a cost of £79 billion and 83 per cent of companies report that absenteeism blamed on stress is becoming more frequent.

A free "taster" day is being held at Bury Art Gallery on December 13 between 10.30am and 3.30pm where companies can get the low-down on the therapy service.

For further details contact Mr O'Neill on 763 7416 or Mr Emerson on 705 2207.

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