DETAILED proposals for a massive leisure and commercial complexthat could create 1,000 new jobs have been submitted to Pendle Council.

The scheme is the brainchild of local businessman and former Colne Dynamos FC boss Graham White.

It has been opposed by some local residents.

The development in Vivary Way would include a multi-screen cinema, a supermarket, office and industrial units and fast food outlets.

It would also feature an ornamental lake, direct access to Colne railway station and extensive landscaping and screen planting. A statement issued on behalf of the developer G L White (Land) Ltd, said: "It is envisaged that up to 1,000 permanent jobs will be created, with many more employment opportunities arising from construction, maintenance and support services."

The firm said gains in employment and economic activity would inevitably give the local economy a considerable and much needed boost and called for the support of the communities in Colne and Pendle.

Mr White's firm also claims that its plans would ease traffic congestion which choking North Valley Road.

"Subject to the wishes of the council, the development may be called upon to contribute to the construction of a roundabout as advance works for the Colne/Foulridge bypass," the firm said.

"Hopefully this would kickstart work on the whole bypass and lead to a significant reduction in through traffic, resulting in a much safer and healthier local environment."

The planning application will go before the council's Colne area committee at a later date, probably early in the New Year.

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