POLICE investigating a vicious robbery are appealing for information about a car was seen driving away from the scene.

Appeals for information following the attack on two bar staff at the Reedley Hallows pub, Burnley, at 2.15am on Tuesday, have resulted in a witness coming forward to give descriptions of two men detectives believe could be the attackers.

Detective Sergeant Graham Briggs said: "The man was driving near to the pub when he saw two men walking quite quickly. He described one a white, 6ft, medium build, short dark hair, wearing grey padded quilt-type waist length jacket with shoulders of a different colour and dark trousers.

"The second was white, 5ft 9in and, thinner. He was carrying something." Later the witness saw the two men in a reddish brown VW Cavalier four-door saloon, a 1986/7 shape, it turned right from Queensgate and headed towards Burnley town centre.

A barmaid, 19 and a 36-year-old barman were subjected to a horrifying ordeal lasting 15 minutes.

Two men wearing black woollen masks with eye holes forced them to lie on the floor and sprayed an irritant into their faces. When the man struggled he was hit with a brass cosh.

Both were left tied with white cord the robbers had brought with them.

DS Briggs appealed for anyone with information about the car or the robbers to contact Burnley police 01282 425001.

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