MADCAP merry-makers with a mobile maypole will be touring the streets of Clayton-le-Moors on General Election night.

Seven game-for a-laugh ladies will be celebrating May 1 in traditional style by dancing around the maypole to canvass cash for Chaigley Manor children's holiday home in the Ribble Valley.

The costumed fund-raisers will be kicking up their heels in Dryden Street at about 6.30pm before touring the pubs and clubs with their collection buckets.

The May merriment by the seven pals is being organised by Pamela Brankin, who owns Crowning Glory hair salon in Whalley Road.

She said: "We did it several years ago but haven't done it for a long time and decided to give it another go.

"We've had to drag a few newcomers in, some willingly, some not so willingly!"

The 7ft long maypole has been decorated by Clayton-le-Moors florists Open All Flowers, who have also donated headdresses for the dancers.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.