GLENDON Green, replying to my letter supporting Blackburn Council's initiative to target stress, says (Letters, April 24) it is up to the individual to 'fix it up.'

I agree wholeheartedly that individuals should be responsible for themselves and work hard, support themselves and to contribute to the community. There are two oversights in Glendon's point, however.

Firstly: the purpose of a community is surely to provide a safe living environment in which people can receive the support they need at the time they need it. Yes, it is, therefore, the responsibility of the community.

Secondly: the community already bears the cost of stress through loss of productivity, sickness and absence and the cost of medical care.

The International Labour Office stated that in 1994 job stress accounted for the loss of 80 million days and cost up to 10 per cent of Gross National Product.

The point I was making is that apart from any moral duty, dealing with stress makes economic sense.

IAN PARKER, Aysgarth Drive, Accrington.

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