A SON fought in vain to save his father's life after finding him collapsed at home.

Philip Allan Crook, 22, performed mouth-to-mouth and heart massage techniques on his father Phillip, 60, following instructions over the telephone from the ambulance service.

But the former firefighter in Great Harwood, who was found slumped in a chair on Saturday lunchtime, could not be revived.

His family said he had never shown any signs of illness before his sudden death and they suspect he suffered a heart attack.

Fireman Phil was a popular figure in Great Harwood, serving in the town's fire service for 13 years, rising to the rank of sub-officer.

As it was a retained station, he also took jobs at Priestley's, GEC Engineering and then APECS.

Originally from Cheshire, Phillip went straight from school into the Navy where he spent 25 years, travelling to countries including Singapore, Hong Kong, Cyprus and Northern Ireland. Through the Navy, he met his wife, Audrey, and settled in Great Harwood.

Together they became involved with the town's branch of the Royal British Legion.

His daughter, Melanie, 28, a staff nurse in the intensive care unit at a Manchester hospital, said: "He was a very popular man and everyone in town seemed to know him, either through the fire service, his jobs or from when he used to pop into the Great Harwood pubs.

"We haven't really come to terms with what has happened yet."

ZPhilip said: "When I telephoned for the ambulance and they started telling me what to do, I didn't have time to think. I just had to get on with it."

The funeral will be on Friday at 11am at Accrington Crematorium.

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