LOCATIONS around Blackpool are being given a face-lift thanks to a group of hard-working volunteers.

Members of the Prince's Trust have just completed their second challenge, sprucing up St Christopher's Church.

Their debut task was to revamp St Nicholas' primary school on School Road, Blackpool, which included installing a unique sensory trail.

One of the members, Andrew Levin, explained: "Apart from painting the exterior of the building and weeding the garden, we introduced this trail around a pond.

"The idea is that kids wander around using their senses to experience different sensations, such as touching different materials.

"We also created a mini Big One where the youngsters walk across a bridge-like construction which goes higher and lower along the way."

The second project, which was only completed last week, has created a nicer environment for visitors to St Christopher's on Hawes Side Lane, as Andrew explained: "We had to remove all of the weeds, many of which were knee-high.

"A new patio has been laid and benches put in place so it is now a nice, peaceful area for people to come. Extra paths which we have laid now make it easier to get around the grounds."

Volunteers are now looking round for a third project to work on.

Team leader Mags Lavin said: "Lots of companies have donated equipment to get the job done and we are very grateful.

"People who take part can either do a four or 12-week course which is not only beneficial to them, but also to the community."

Want to join the Prince's Trust? Then contact them on 300597.

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