CARCASES of BSE-infected meat dumped at Salt Ayre in the late 80s pose "a very low risk" to public health.

But, according to Morecambe MP Geraldine Smith who has taken up the matter with Agriculture Minister Jeff Rocker, there is no room for complacency.

Geraldine said she was "horrified" to learn that Salt Ayre had been used as a dump for 200 suspect carcases and that the public were left in the dark about what had gone on.

She said: "It was disgraceful that no central records were kept of the type and quantities of waste each landfill site took and was grateful to the new Minister for cross checking records and compiling a central list and indeed for being open and honest about information."

PLANS to operate a hovercraft in Morecambe Bay this summer have been scuppered.

But organisers could be floating on air next year after councillors granted a licence for a hovercraft to use the bay in 1998.

The original plan was withdrawn after the company, Hoverflight Ltd, said new orders for the hovercraft meant they were too busy to operate in Morecambe during the holiday season. However, councillors at Morecambe's tourism service group said they were keen to see the hovercraft in the resort next year.

MORECAMBE'S Promenade Music has struck a major 'power chord' in the music world. The resort's premiere music shop has beaten all other musical retailers in the UK to represent Fender at the British Music Fair at the Dockland Arena in London. The move puts Promenade at the forefront of the industry with a range £250,000 worth of Fender of equipment. A company spokesman said: "Our business has gone from strength over the years, but with the recent success of the mail order side of the company. There's no reason why such a company cannot reside in Morecambe."

A NEWLY refurbished Mitchells' pub was the toast of the town this week after opening its doors to customers. The Bobbin, formerly known as the Priory, has been renovated by the local brewery with the city's rich industrial heritage in mind. The new pub, next to the bus station, is expected to become a popular venue for fans of live music as well customers wanting a relaxed pint of Mitchell's beer.

POLICE are appealing for witnesses after a 34-year-old man was assaulted along Pedder Street in Morecambe on Sunday evening.

The man was with a group of friends when he was set up on by a gang of thugs at about 11pm. He was taken to the Royal Lancaster Infirmary with facial injuries and was later released from hospital.

Det Sgt Grant Thomson said they have no descriptions of the attackers. He added: "If there were any witnesses please could they contact the police on 63333."

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.