SHARKS need friends and Fylde shark fanatic Ben Molloy has proved he's their best friend.

Ben has earned a starring role in the first ever UK Junior Shark Conference, where he will give a 15-minute talk on the basking variety.

Blackpool Sea Life Centre challenged young enthusiasts to write an essay entitled Sharks Need Friends for a chance to become the conference's delegate from the North West.

Ben's three-page tribute to the creatures, which have enthralled him ever since he spent a full day at the centre two years ago, convinced centre staff that he would be the ideal ambassador.

Sea Life Centre aquarist Alina Bond said: "Ben's letter convinced us that he feels really passionately about the persecution which many of the world's sharks suffer.

"The whole object of the conference is to raise awareness of the need for shark conservation and we've no doubt Ben will help champion that cause."

Ben said: "I was first interested in sharks nine years ago when I watched Jaws.

"Since then I have read about them and realised that they're not frightening creatures.

"When I heard about the conference I wrote my letter to the Sea Life Centre but I had already decided that I wanted to go even if I didn't win.

To prepare for his talk Ben has read books on the basking shark and will be meeting up with Alina, at the centre, to discuss his presentation.

Ben said:"I would like to work with sharks when I am older and hopefully go on a marine biology course.

"I started writing a book on sharks three weeks ago and have now written 31 pages and drawn my own diagrams My next hope is for it to be published."

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