POLICE have issued a doorstep challenge to housewives!

But it's nothing to do with TV star Shane Ritchie and a certain brand of whiter-than-white washing powder (writes Malcolm Ryding).

This week they have urged housewives not to leave out their washing overnight for opportunist theives.

Leigh Supt Malcolm Howells says there is a temptation during the hot weather to leave out a back garden line full of washing overnight.

"But back gardens are notoriously difficult places to police and sometimes that line can have close on £1,000 worth of clothes hanging out to dry, especially with some of the designer wear young people have these days (see picture).

"So please, don't be taken to the cleaners! Don't give the opportunist back garden thief the opportunity to spoil your night out by taking your Armani shirts or designer jeans.

"You'd never think of neatly putting your Sunday-best in a pile in the back garden, or the TV at the back door, for someone to steal. But that's what some people are doing by leaving their washing, unattended, on the line.

"Please, please take in your washing before you go to bed. And putting your washing out before you leave for work for the day - when the house is unattended - is almost as risky," said Mr Howells.

Mr Howells said the Crime Prevention Unit would be pleased to help anyone with home security problems. Call Ian Halliwell on 0161-856-7262.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.