BROOKSIDE star Dean Sullivan - the TV soaps reformed drug addict Jimmy Corkhill - has loaned his support to local drugs organisation TABS (writes LOUISE TANSEY).

He has become a patron for the group which started life in Atherton.

His support comes in the same week volunteers received a massive £26,000 boost from the Government to help them publicise their services.

The money arrives to just one week after TABS re-launched as a borough-wide organisation.

It is a unique voluntary service, drug users and their loved ones who fail to use the mainstream drug services.

The award will allow the group to advertise its free services more widely.

TABS secretary, Susan Wallwork said: "This is great news. It will allow us to produce some proper material to raise the profile of TABS, and let more people who need our services know we are here. It will also help to find more volunteers.

"The people who consult TABS include experimental, recreational and dependent drug users, their families, partners and friends."

The bid to the government's Drug Challenge Fund was submitted by Wigan's Drug Action team, bringing together the council, health and education authorities and other local organisations who work with drug users.

It is sponsored by local companies, Headon Productions who will produce, leaflets and posters, and TDI Advertising, who will organise advertising on buses.

Anyone with a drug related problem is invited to phone TABS at John Tiernan House in Platt Bridge on 01942 700800. Volunteers staff phones on Monday evenings from 6pm. At all other times there is a 24 hour answering service and a same-day response.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.