A RECORD of the town's history is on display in St George's Church behind the shopping centre in Preston.

Picture This is a photographic exhibition by Marjorie Amriding of Ribbleton, and offers is a rare view of the town through the lens of an amateur snapper with a knack of being in the right place at the right time.

It includes history in the making shots such as the Poll Tax Rally and the 1972 Guild Procession.

Marjorie's keen to preserve our heritage on film before it all changes: "I want to catch all the factories before the millennium," she said.

Saturday 10-3pm is your last chance to see the Picture This exhibition which also includes a slide show made in 1972, of what people thought the town would be like in 1992.

Tracey-Jane Harding of Parish prospect Preston which is hosting the show, said: "It's interesting, some of the ideas are quite close. But some are way out and other ideas are still in negotiation, such as pedestrianising Fishergate."

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.