I write in response to Mrs Summer, of Seascale Close, Highercroft.

I admire her guts and tenacity in resisting the cowardly gangs of young thugs and bullies who roam around this estate, picking on the weak and elderly.

Their only courage is drink and drugs, using these homes as bases.

The result is that many good people have to quit their homes through the underhand methods and activities of these gutless louts.

One half of the houses on this estate are sporting ugly green shutters and I have witnessed the number of boarded homes grow in the past few months.

I regret that another one could soon be added to the list - mine!

I wonder what the brave souls of two world wars who gave their lives for future generations, would think if they could come back and see what they sacrificed their lives for?

If action is not taken soon on this estate I can see it being populated by these lawless wild animals and the few good people who decided to buy their homes when it was a nice place to live.

Name and address


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