RAIN couldn't ruin the day for a large crowd who lined the streets to take part in the 20th Penwortham Gala.

Thousands of people braved a downpour to take part in a colourful procession and entertainment extravaganza in Hurst Grange Park on Saturday last week (June 14).

Children were treated to a fairground, circus skills workshops, a five-a-side football competition and Tae Kwan Do displays.

And adults got in the swing of things too when they watched morris dancing displays, browsed at stalls and enjoyed refreshments.

A spokesman for the gala said: "Despite the rain it was a great day. It's getting bigger and better every year.

"There was a brilliant turn-out and there was lots for everyone to do. They all really enjoyed themselves."

The day started with a procession of nearly 20 floats and walking groups that wound it's way round Penwortham before arriving at the park. Scouts, Brownies, schools and church groups manned brightly coloured vehicles with themes including Alice in Wonderland and Lost in Space.

And fundraisers managed to collect £400 which will be given to local charities by Penwortham Mayor Councillor Michael Thistlethwaite.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.