A DANCE champion whose career has been cruelly cut short by arthritis at the age of seven has been given new hope.

Michelle Halstead has junior chronic arthritis in her knees.

After reading of her plight in the Lancashire Evening Telegraph, businessman Mike Stubbs has donated a special health drink said to have helped thousands of sufferers.

Michelle, of Haslingden, had won more than 30 trophies since she started dancing 18 months ago.

Mr Stubbs, who distributes the Activ Vite drink from Burnley, hopes the beverage will help her get back on her feet.

He said: "We have had tremendous response to the drink from all over the country and hope Michelle will benefit, too." If successful, Mr Stubbs said Michelle will get free supplies for the rest of her life.

Junior chronic arthritis affects one in very 10,000 children in Britain and is most common in young girls.

The drink is said to replace collagen in the body, lost when arthritis takes hold.

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