A DISTRESSED pet owner is appealing to thieves to return the beloved dog bought to comfort her after the death of her baby son.

Amanda Rydeheard and her husband John Paul lost their only child, Macauley, when he was seven weeks old in October last year.

He was born prematurely and the couple are still waiting for the outcome of the inquest.

Pedigree Staffordshire bull terrier Roxy was given to Amanda by John Paul to help comfort her following the tragedy.

But on Sunday afternoon burglars kicked down the door of their home in Ullswater Avenue, Huncoat, raiding their house, stealing Roxy and £431 of other items.

The couple were devastated when they realised their dog had gone. Amanda, 24, said: "Roxy kept me company and used to spend all her time with me. When we found out she had been stolen I was extremely upset.

"It was bad enough having the house burgled but for them to take Roxy as well.

"It brought it all back to me how I felt in October. We are just hoping somebody may know something and that we get her back."

Her father, Dennis Guilfoyle, added: "We've no idea why anyone would take Roxy except maybe to breed from her. Amanda is absolutely heartbroken."

Roxy is about two years old, white with brown markings andvery friendly, She was wearing a collar with her name written on a bone-shaped tag.

As well as the police, the family have alerted the RSPCA, Petsearch, and the dog warden and have inquired of neighbours.

Anyone with any information can contact either Mr Guilfoyle on 01254 384859 or Accrington police on 01254 382141

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