A PENSIONER was held up at knifepoint by a car thief on Tuesday.

Her ordeal began at 1.30pm on June 17 just after the 77-year-old lady got into her car in Kwik Save's car park in Boundary Road, St Helens. The thief approached her car, opened the door and told her to get in the passenger seat.

The brave pensioner refused and sounded her horn to attract attention, but to no avail. The man then told her to get into the passenger seat again and she felt something against her stomach.

When she saw that it was a knife, which was about 6-8in long she got out of the car and handed over the keys, as she did so the man snatched her handbag, containing about £100 in cash. He then got into her blue Nissan Micra - registration L588 XCC - and drove off.

The offender is described as between 20 and 25, thin, pale complexion with dark brown, curly hair and a goatee beard. He was wearing a cream shirt or jacket and grey or green jeans.

Police are appealing to anyone who may have witnessed the incident to come forward. And they would also like to hear from anyone who may have spotted the stolen car. It is believed that the attacker spent some time loitering in the area and police want to talk to anyone who may have seen a male fitting this description.

ANYONE with information should contact DS Tommy Baines at St Helens police on 0151 777 6064, or the Crime Management Unit on 0151 777 6050, or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.