VETERAN pensioners' rights campaigner Jack Jones was due to perform the official opening ceremony of the new St Helens District Citizens Advice Bureau yesterday (Wednesday, June 18).

The new premises, in Waterloo Street, are more spacious than the previous office in Cotham Street, with access for the disabled and for staff and clients with mobility difficulties. There is also good news for clients whose hearing is impaired, for one of the new voluntary advisers is also a qualified signer.

The opening ceremony followed the group's annual general meeting at St Helens Town Hall at which it was revealed that the bureau had seen a marked increase in all types of enquiries during the year 1996/97. A total of 1,943 new enquiries, a 24.35 per cent increase, were recorded. And the bureau dealt with a total of 13,262 new and repeat enquiries at a cost to St Helens Council of £5.89 per enquiry.

Benefits advice made up the largest number of enquiries, followed by consumer advice, legal problems and housing matters.

In the group's annual report the St Helens CAB chair Helen Hand, said: "The volunteers continue to provide an excellent service to the people of St Helens and their time and commitment and level of expertise is greatly valued. Careful accounting through the year has ensured that the bureau has continued to provide its excellent standards of service to clients."

She added: "It is particularly pleasing to report that after several years of hoping and planning, the move to new premises was finally accomplished. The standard of accommodation has improved dramatically and although some internal refurbishment is still required, both clients, volunteers and staff are pleased with their new environment."

St Helens and District CAB in Waterloo Street (tel. 22935/732499) is open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (telephone calls only) and Friday between 10am and 4pm. Legal advice session by appointment. CAB Outreach, Methodist Church, Chapel Street, Newton-le-Willows, is open between 10am and 1pm, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, and between 10am and 12pm Wednesday.

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