A JEWELLERY salesman was beaten with a baseball bat and robbed of gems worth thousands of pounds in a vicious raid.

Detectives believe the two thugs had lain in wait for their victim in a dilapidated caravan. Now, officers are appealing to the public in a bid to trace the robbers.

The salesmen was set upon at about 3.15pm last Wednesday, June 4, in the School Lane area of Walshaw.

He was hit with a baseball bat by one of the men and suffered a fractured arm. The thieves stole two sample cases containing jewellery worth many thousands of pounds. The raiders escaped in a blue Ford Escort saloon, registration A502 HND. It was later found abandoned in a garage complex near the Tetrosyl premises at Bevis Green in Mill Road, Walmersley.

Bury CID believe that just before the robbery, the two men had been hiding inside the green and cream caravan which was parked next to the car and bore the same number plate as the Ford Escort. Detectives want to establish the whereabouts of the car and caravan prior to the robbery.

Police have issued an E-fit picture of the baseball bat raider. He is around 5ft 10ins tall with mousy brown hair described as untidy, collar length and which covered his ears. Police say he was aged 20-30, was scruffy in appearance and had staring eyes.

His accomplice had short blond-coloured hair, believed to have been dyed.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Det Sgt Dave Maguire at Bury police crime management unit on (0161) 856 8157 or CrimeStoppers on 0800 555 111.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.