A GOLBORNE man has been awarded an MBE for his services to the town's Scout movement.

Arthur Topping, who lives with his wife Betty in Barrowdale Road, gained the award in the Queen's Birthday Honours list.

He has served in the Scouts for 50 years.

Arthur, now in his 80s, a Reader at Golborne Parish Church, was proposed for the award by fellow parishioners, a procedure that took 18 months to come to fruition.

Rev. Richard Plant, Vicar of Golborne, said: "We are all delighted that Arthur has been awarded the MBE. He thoroughly deserves it for all his work with the scouts and we are proud of his achievement."

Abram's curry king has been honoured in the Queen's birthday list.

Kirit Pathak has been awarded an OBE for his services to the food industry and to exports. He has been running Pataks Indian Foods since 1976 when he took over from his father who started the business in 50s.

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