LEIGH businesses are on the look-out for money-making crafty customers!

As part of the exciting Leigh Festival and Canal Rally in September, the Leigh Business Partnership organisers have arranged a three-day craft fayre.

"And this will be an ideal opportunity for anybody from the Leigh area to display their crafts and handiwork," said event co-ordinator Alan Jones.

So if you are into soft toys, decorated eggs, corn dollies or any of the many different types of craft work, this is your opportunity to show it - and sell it - to a wider audience.

The craft fayre will be held in a large marquee in the special Festival Village which is being built for the weekend on West Brdigewater Street, Leigh.

On offer is a 6'x4' space, complete with table and electrics for £25 a day. Or if you book Saturday and Sunday for £50, you get Friday FREE!

Added Alan: "We wish to give local people a chance to display and sell their crafts. We have already had enquiries from crafts as varied as macrame and puppet makers."

For more information on the craft fayre or the Leigh Festival and Canal Rally (September 5-7) contact Alan Jones on 01942-883079.

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