THE man who masterminded three Parliamentary election victories for the Labour party has had a personal thank-you from Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Colne councillor Tim Ormrod organised 'Operation Victory' which resulted in taking both Blackpool seats from the Conservatives. He also headed a long campaign during the winter for Wirral South, normally a safe Tory seat.

Mr Blair said: "Many thanks for all your work - not simply in the campaign itself, but for the months (and years for many of us) leading up to the election.

"I am very aware that it was the enormous effort, professionalism and team work that contributed a great deal to the election victory.

"Your skills and dedication remain very important to our success as a Labour Government, and our chances of securing a second term.

"Together we need to build on our successes, and make partnership between Government and Party a reality."

Mr Ormrod said: "It was a very nice surprise to receive a personal acknowledgment from Tony Blair, all my family are delighted.

"I met him a number of times during the long campaign and found him to be very friendly, sincere and dedicated - a terrific motivator of people."

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