NANCY the snake sparked a seven hour security alert after she gave her owner the slip.

Martin Callaghan had to inform the police that the 16ft Burmese python, weighing about 15 stones, could be on the loose in Darwen after she escaped from her tank.

"I noticed one of the panels in her tank had been disturbed and got a bit worried because I knew the back door had been open," said Martin, of Radford Street, Darwen.

"She is very good-natured and great with children but if anybody had tried to attack her outside I don't think they would have lived to tell the tale, even though she is not venomous."

Nancy, who thinks nothing of eating five rabbits, five chickens, two guinea pigs and two rats at meal time, was finally discovered at home under the stairs.

Martin added: "She is none the worse for her little adventure but it has made me think she could be better off in a zoo."

Sergeant Ian McCann, of Darwen police, said: "I am just happy the snake has been found and everybody is okay."

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