LANCASTER and Morecambe's new MPs will seek public opinion before they vote in a private member's anti hunting bill, it emerged this week. Geraldine Smith and Hilton Dawson said they would consult local organisations and hold public meetings to gauge the views of their constituents. The Wild Mammals Bill, introduced by the MP for Worcester Michael Foster, is designed to stop the hunting of foxes, deer, hare and mink with dogs.

Geraldine Smith told the Citizen: "My own personal view regarding fox hunting is that I'm opposed to it. But I am prepared to meet with any organisations and listen to their points of view. I think the majority of English people would support a ban."

MPs will be given a free vote on the bill which is expected to be debated in the House of Commons in November.

Hilton Dawson said: "I think it's very important for me to get a local view about the issue. I understand hunting is a reason why many people keep horses and it provide jobs."

But both MPs agreed that the issue was not one of their priorities so soon after being voted into Parliament.

Members of fox hunting groups have reacted strongly against the bill and claim hunting keeps the fox population down as well providing vital jobs.

Eugene McKay from the Vale of Lune Harriers riding club explained that hunting organisations also keep a watchful eye over the countryside. He explained: "In 1971 they stopped otter hunting and it lead to the worst case of pollution in rivers. People were no longer walking along the river and keeping an eye on what was going on. We work closely with the RSPCA, manage the countryside and conserve the woodland."

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