BUSINESS bosses in the area say they know how important it is to look after the environment, but less than half of the firms questioned in a survey had done anything to improve conditions.

The survey was carried out by the Environmental Support Services Project based at Burnley College and audited more than 80 small and medium-sized concerns.

The investigators discovered the strongest motivation to get any action was the threat of legislation.

And they also found a sliding scale showing that caring for the environment was given a lower priority in smaller firms.

Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries had invested cash to make their methods and products more environmentally friendly. The service sector lagged behind.

Project leader Philip Stewart said: "Nearly half of local businesses felt that environmental issues are in the top category of 'very important' in respect to the operation of the company.

"Despite that, approximately half the respondents have either not considered or rejected the adoption of an environmental management system or programme of environmental audits.

"The strongest motivational factors behind action among respondents were the introduction of legislation, followed by a desire to minimise environmental impact and to improve corporate image.

"The potential for cost savings was low down on the list."

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