HE may have skydived and bungee-jumped during his time as a Blue Peter presenter, but nothing quite prepared Tim Vincent for what Blackpool had in store for him.

Tim, who now hosts Channel 5's Attractions programme, was set the task of visiting all of the resort's top tourist venues in one day.

He and his film crew went down the Big One, up the Playstation, along the Prom on a tram to the Tower and down the piers - all in just six hours.

The programme will be screened on July 11 and it is hoped it will portray Blackpool as a top-rate, thrill-seekers paradise.

A spokeswoman for Channel Five said it should make very exciting viewing.

She said: "Tim managed to pack into one day what most people struggle to complete in an entire holiday.

"The idea of the show is to find Britain's top tourist attractions and show them off, which is exactly what we are doing

"Tim has had to do a lot in his time, but we don't think he was expecting to ride the Big One and the Playstation ride in one day.

"We are sure he enjoyed it and are positive it will make for a good show."

The show will be aired at 8pm on Friday, July 11.

On Friday (June 13), the Pleasure Beach played host to another camera crew, this time from Portugal.

A viewer was sent around the Big One roller coaster as part of the Ready or Not TV show to be screened next month.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.