A GRANDFATHER has been commended by a judge for capturing an escaped prisoner who broke into a neighbour's house while on the run.

Geoff Wolstenholme leapt into action when his wife spotted prisoner George Murphy trying to run off after raiding a nearby house.

His brave action's not only earned him a commendation, but the judge also rewarded him with £200.

Judge Raymond Bennett told Burnley Crown Court that 66-year-old Geoff was brave and public spirited.

Murphy, 30, of Manor Street, Accrington, admitted burglary and escaping from prison and was sent back to jail for 21 months.

The dramatic capture started when Geoff was having a shave in the bathroom at his home in Westwood Avenue, Rishton, and heard his wife, Marion, shouting for help from the kitchen.

She had spotted Murphy clambering over their garden back wall while being chased by neighbour Laraine Wall who was hanging on to his leg. Still with shaving foam on his face, Geoff dashed out of his bungalow's front door and cut off Murphy's escape route after he broke free from the neighbour's grasp.

The retired fitter caught Murphy - who was on the run from Kirkham Prison - as he emerged from a passage at the side of the couple's home and pinned him against a garage door.

His 64-year-old wife telephoned the police and within minutes Murphy was under arrest. All the property was recovered except for an engagement ring which is believed to have been lost during Murphy's failed escape.

Modest Geoff, who worked at GEC, Clayton-le-Moors, said: "I would always help a neighbour if I could.

"I just did it on the spare of the moment. I didn't really know what was happening - my wife just told me to get out of the front door quickly and I caught him.

"I didn't know until later he was an escaped prisoner. I wasn't really scared I just got on with it."

Neighbour Laraine said Geoff deserved the commendation for catching Murphy who had tried to run off with a bag loaded with her property.

She said: "I was holding the burglar's leg as he tried to climb over the wall and at same time shouting for help. It was a good job Marion heard me and sent Geoff to help."

Murphy broke into her house on Blackburn Road when she went out for 20 minutes.

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