PENDLE MP Gordon Prentice is being challenged to back the growing campaign against cash cuts for lone parents.

The challenge came from his Liberal Democrat opponent in the general election. Councillor Tony Greaves has written to Gordon Prentice saying he is surprised and disappointed that his not has not appeared among those Labour MPs who are calling on their Government to change its mind over the proposed cuts.

He says the decision will make some of the poorest families even poorer.

In his letter Mr Greaves tells the MP: "I cannot believe that you support this attack on poor people and poor children.

"The idea that this cut in income is balanced by some future provision of after-school clubs for some of the families concerned - which they may have to pay for anyway - is nonsense.

"The issues are quite separate. The idea that all Pendle's single parents could get a job next week is equal nonsense."

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