THE introduction of a Premier League is as far away as ever after the latest rejection by the Confederation of Lancashire Cricket Leagues.

The Confederation was due to hold further talks with the Lancashire Cricket Board about the possibility of creating a Premier League in the county at Old Trafford last Thursday.

But the talks never took place after the Confederation decided to totally oppose any proposals following a meeting of 10 of the 24 leagues affiliated with the LCB on June 3 as we reported in last week's Lancashire Evening Telegraph.

LCB chairman John Brewer said: "Lancashire must not be left behind as the National Premier League structure is created.

"But I now cannot see it up and running before the year 2000.

"The LCB Advisory Sub Committee will continue to have discussions at their next meeting in July.

"We will have to decide what is the best way forward. We are quite sure that there are clubs and players in the county who want to play the most competitive cricket possible.

"And creating a Premier League is the way they can achieve that.

"But we are anxious to be sensitive in the way it would affect league cricket."

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