BRAVE Becky Houghton has picked up an award for helping others, despite suffering from diabetes.

Becky's caring nature and devotion to her family has won her a prize in the British Diabetic Association's Young Achievers Awards.

Becky, a pupil at Shadsworth Junior School, was diagnosed diabetic in 1996 and has to inject herself with insulin twice a day. The 11-year-old, of Oban Drive, Shadsworth, Blackburn, looks after her disabled mum and keeps a close eye on her grandmother Winnie Preston of Shadsworth, who is also diabetic.

Becky received a framed certificate, £300 cash, a T-shirt and a blood sugar monitor as her prize for the caring section in the category for 10 to 12 year-olds. The ceremony - part of Diabetes Awareness Week - was held in London, when Becky, mum Gillian and dad John stayed in a top hotel and visited Planet Hollywood.

They also met TV's Dr Hilary Jones, footballer Gary Mabbutt and Hollyoaks actress Tara Moran.

Mum Gillian, 37, who suffers from a bone-wasting disease in her leg, uses crutches and a wheelchair.

She said: "Becky is always concerned about me. She is the kind of child who worries about everybody apart from herself."

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