HAVE our councillors nothing better to do than carry on the stupid saga over A-boards?

I find it disturbing and pathetic. This has been a form of advertising for decades.

It is about time our councillors turned their attention to more serious problems on our highways, such as cars parked illegally fully on the pavements.

Twice, my husband has been nearly knocked down by a car driving on the pavement and a friend of mine was nearly hit in the face by a van door opening.

Also what about the state of our footpaths, with cracked and raised flags and uneven surfaces?

What, too, about the slippery market floor?

Councillors should get their priorities right and address the problems that we expect them to.

Their role is not to dictate, but to be public servants, answerable to the people who elected them.

H HAMER, Lowther Place, Little Harwood, Blackburn.

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