AFTER hearing of his recent death, allow me to give this appreciation of Keith Newton...

I had the good fortune to help former Blackburn Rovers' player Mick McGrath run one or two junior football teams and, one year, after a great season, we suggested having a potato pie supper with a speaker.

The lads voted for Pel. We explained that he might be busy and that we may not be able to afford him.

We suggested inviting former Rovers' and England captain Ronnie Clayton. Being of a different generation, the lads asked: "Who's Ronnie Clayton?"!

Keith was still involved with football and it was voted that we ask him.

He agreed at once and when I asked him what his fee should be, he replied: "You insult me by asking."

He came to the supper and brought a selection of his England caps and let the lads wear them while eating the spud pie.

His talk was superb, including the best Bill Shankly story I had ever heard.

I feel sure that those boys will remember Keith Newton as I do.

FRANK RIDING, Ribblesdale Avenue, Wilpshire, Blackburn.

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