FREE cookery demonstrations for the over 55s are to be held in South West Burnley with the aim of setting up a new over 55 years group.

The events at the recently opened cabin at Cherry Fold, behind Venice Avenue, are being organised by South West Burnley Community Development Trust in partnership with West End Estates Management Board.

The sessions will be held over a four-week period on Tuesdays, July 21 and 28 and August 4 and 11 from 2-4pm.

The food will be provided by the South West Burnley Food Co-op which will also be giving out a free recipe booklet.

The recipes will be cheap, easy and healthy. It is hoped to encourage people to try out different ingredients and eat a more healthy diet.

The sessions are open to all residents in the area aged 55 or over.

It is hoped that an over 55s group will be formed to meet on a regular basis and to take part in various activities and outings.

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