PENDLE'S finest pop exports, the Milltown Brothers, return to East Lancashire this summer with a new line-up and new responsibilities both on and off stage. CLIVE LAWRENCE caught up with the four-piece backstage at one of London's top venues as they set about climbing back up the ladder of chart success.

THE weather may not be the best of British summer time but there's no dampening the spirits of Colne's Milltown Brothers' as they prepare to resume their musical careers.

After several fallow years, the Pendle group - who shot to fame in the early '90s with a string of hits from their debut album Slinky - are back in business.

Looking forward to two appearances in East Lancashire early next month, their new material is currently being showcased to fans in Londonl. It's a busy schedule for the group, with time shared between rehearsals and the recording studio, photo shoots and interviews.

But in the midst of their busy schedule singer Matt Nelson still found time to tie the knot with long-time girlfriend Janine Derbyshire.

Simon's role as lead guitarist has had to take on new dimensions to fill the space left by keyboard maestro Barney Williams, who is now peddling his own brand of pop with new outfit The Rubbish. After a weekend appearance on a top London radio station, Matt reflected on how things are taking shape again.

"For the first time in four years things are starting to happen," he said. "I don't know why but everything seems to be coming together again. It's good to have our confidence again but now we want to take it to the next level."

The group's management say they need to make a record so they can start creating a buzz and the band are currently working on a promo to spark record company interest.

More than 150 people crammed into London's Mean Fiddler to hear the band's new sound, which adds a harder-edged guitar onto the light pop of the first album.

There are now two new faces in the Milltown camp. First to sign up was bass player Steve Taylor, who joined the group last year after meeting lead guitarist Simon Nelson while working for a market research company.

Steve, who formerly played with the London based hip-hop outfit Archive, joins the indie popsters along with a new manager who has considerable experience of the businesss. With 12 months' writing under their belts, it seems the hard work is starting to pay off.

Steve said: "We now have about 30 or 40 songs, although some aren't finished. But it's like a football squad, with the chosen set list being our first teamers."

The band plan to work with former Radiohead producer Nigel Godridge, who is expected to produce one track on his return to the UK after working with Beck in America.

Then the Brothers hope to go back into the studio to make the record they hope will make their future look brighter than this summer.

The Milltown Brothers will be playing at Bands In The Park, Queens Park bandstand, Burnley, on Sunday, August 2 (free admission), and on Saturday, August 15 at Brooks Club, Infant Street, Accrington,(£4.50 advance, £5 on the night) with DJ Lee Brindle and support act Slim.

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