COUNCIL bosses look set to pull the plug on Burnley's computer training centre - and turn away 50 trainees due to start new courses early next month.

Burnley ITEC provided training for more than 1,200 school leavers, unemployed adults, local companies and council staff last year.

But prospects for the Burnley Business Centre unit now appear extremely gloomy, with councillors called to a special meeting on Tuesday to decide the future of the centre where running costs have exceeded budget forecast.

They have been told that the 50 prospective trainees will be found places at other centres if the joint meeting of the personnel and economic and property committees decide to pull out.

Hugh Simpson, head of the council's economic development unit, said he was unable to comment on the situation or give details of a private report going out to councillors regarding the future of the unit.

He agreed, however, that there were problems surrounding the XTEND contract with East Lancashire Training and Enterprise Council to provide National Vocational Qualifications in computing and electronics for young people. It is understood the future of the centre is heavily dependent on cash from the ELTEC contract.

Mr Simpson said he would be issuing a Press release after Tuesday's private meeting of councillors.

In an official letter he says that 50 youths had been recruited for next year's training at the Keighley Green centre, but adds that that training was unlikely to take place.

He says the ITEC centre was under pressure from trainees and their parents to know when the training was due to start.

Last year's ITEC centre loss of around £140,000 was nearly double that originally budgeted for by the council.

Councillors were told earlier this year that the approximate £120,000 cost of closing the centre was far less than the expected cost of running it for another 12 months.

But they agreed on a major budget-cutting exercise to keep council costs for the year down to around the £70,000 mark.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.