SEVERAL letters have appeared recently about the review of special schools by Blackburn with Darwen local education authority. Parents, children and others are understandably anxious about what it will mean.

We hope that we can set the record straight about what the council is doing and why.

Firstly, why do we need to consider changes to our special schools?

The number of children in special schools in Blackburn with Darwen and around the county has been decreasing as more parents have asked for children with special educational needs to go to mainstream schools with extra support being provided.

The current special schools were established to serve the whole of East Lancashire. It is likely that Lancashire education authority will want to place fewer children in Blackburn with Darwen schools in the future, especially as they are currently reorganising their own provision.

If the council does not actively manage the need for fewer places, then it is likely that one or more of the schools would eventually close anyway, as numbers decrease and staff have to be lost.

The decision to review current provision is no reflection of the quality of the schools or teachers. Blackburn with Darwen is in the fortunate position of having all its special schools with excellent reports from Ofsted, the government organisation which inspects schools.

Secondly, what are we doing?

All of those most involved - parents, staff and governors - were consulted about the situation before it was discussed by the education and training committee on January 12.

At that meeting, it was agreed to formally consult on two possible options, giving further opportunities to all concerned to express their views.

No fundamental changes will be made to the schools until at least September, 2000.

If changes are made, the needs of individual children will be taken into account when considering their future placement.

Finally, it is important to state that, whatever the outcome, decisions will be taken in the best interests of all learners in the borough.

All change is difficult, but we are determined to work with schools, parents and others to ensure that the children and young people in Blackburn with Darwen who have special educational needs have the best possible educational provision, not just today but into the future.

COUNCILLOR BILL TAYLOR (chairman) and COUNCILLOR KATHY STEPHENSON (vice-chairman), education and training committee, Blackburn with Darwen Council.

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