A "PEACEMAKER" ended up having his ear bitten in a pub struggle.

Harvey Mayor had been on the ground with his attacker, Steve Craig and hadn't noticed his injury until it bled heavily, Burnley Crown Court heard.

Craig, 22, described by a judge as "no stranger to violence in the past," escaped jail and was told to walk away if he thought anybody was staring at him in a pub. Judge Raymond Bennett said biting an ear was a "very nasty" thing to do.

Craig, of Mere Court, Burnley, admitted assault causing actual bodily harm. He was put on probation for six months and must pay £200 compensation.

Harry Narayan, prosecuting, told the court Mr Mayor had put is hand out to Craig to calm him down. The pair fell to the ground in a struggle. Craig had been in a "verbal dispute" with Mr Mayor's friend. The defendant was the "main troublemaker."

When the two men separated, Mr Mayor's ear had been bitten. He suffered skin loss to the ear and lacerated cartilage.

Mr Narayan said when Craig was arrested and interviewed, he said a friend of the victim had been making gestures and shouting abuse.

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